Attaboy takes pride in our value proposition (learn here why Attaboy provides the best value in expert test prep). We won't ask our clients and friends to hear a phone pitch just to get our pricing. Below you'll find a full listing of Attaboy Test Prep services and price points. Get in touch if you have any further questions.
Attaboy's premier coaching service for SAT/ACT/SSAT/LSAT/GRE/GMAT prep. Admissions test coaching includes all digital materials, apps, diagnostic tests, homework sets... everything you or your son or daughter needs to reach peak test readiness. CLICK TO LEARN MORE
Test scores are second only to GPA when it comes to putting forth a compelling application. ATP offers expert academic tutoring on nearly all middle and high school curricula. Back up your standardized test scores with your best GPA to boot! CLICK TO LEARN MORE
Study Halls are small-group meetings that let our Test Prep and Academic Support students maintain or renew their readiness once our 1:1 meetings have served their purpose. Students work in individual Zoom Breakout Rooms with a coach on-hand to provide direction and support while students train. Study Halls are limited to four students maximum and open only to those students for whom Study Halls have been recommended by one of our coaches. CLICK TO LEARN MORE